Welcome to the website of the Płońsk Memorial House

Grandmother’s and Grandfather’s Day at the Płońsk Memorial House: workshops and guided tours

We would like to invite everyone to events organized in connection with Grandmother’s and Grandfather’s Day at the Płońsk Memorial House!

👉 January 16 and 17 at 11.00 a.m. – we invite kindergarten and school groups to art workshops at the Memorial House, during which we will make bookmarks and cards for grandmothers and grandfathers

👉 January 21 and 22 at 12.00 – we invite seniors from Płońsk for a guided tour of the permanent exhibition “Glance and recall!”

All events will be held in Polish.


👉 Registration for the workshops on January 16 and 17 is required by phone: +48 882 872 837 or by e-mail: dompamieci@mckplonsk.pl

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