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7th Jewish Culture Festival in the city of Ben Gurion

The 7th edition of the Jewish Culture Festival in the city of Ben Gurion is approaching. This unique event will take place on October 21-24.

The festival aims to present the history and culture of the nation, whose fate has been intertwined with the history of Poland and Płońsk for centuries. As always, the program will include events presenting Jewish cultural heritage in various ways.

4 days devoted to Jewish culture include primarily music concerts, film screenings, an open lecture, a theater performance, and a March of Silence commemorating the liquidation of the Płońsk ghetto. During the festival, participants will be able to take part in exercise workshops, learn the secrets of Jerusalem cuisine, try Jewish dishes and learn how to prepare them.

The festival will be accompanied by an outdoor exhibition at the Municipal Culture Center, provided by the National Education Office of the Institute of National Remembrance.

Detailed festival program:

Saturday, October 21, 2023:

11 a.m.,
The Cinema
Open lecture for students of the Płońsk Senior University
“Memorial House. Glance and recall. Exhibition design: from concept to implementation” – Agata Korba, Natalia Romik, co-authors of the concept of the Memorial House.

5 p.m.,
Municipal Cultural Center hall
After all, this is our food – a demonstration of preparing Jewish dishes – Kuba Steuermark, culinary expert.

6:00 p.m.,
The Cinema
Inauguration of the 7th Jewish Culture Festival in the city of Ben Gurion.
Under the roofs of Krakow’s Kazimierz district. The most beautiful pieces of Jewish music – a concert performed by Katarzyna Jamróz with her band.
Admission with invitations. Collection at the Municipal Cultural Center ticket office from Thursday, October 12, at 14.30.

After the concert in the cinema hall Classics of Jerusalem cuisine – tasting of dishes prepared by culinary expert Kuba Steuermark.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

11 a.m. – 3 p.m.,
The dance hall
Movement workshops using the Feldenkrais Method – conducted by prof. Jacek Paszkowski.
Reservations are required by calling 23 662 27 02.

4.00 p.m.,
Multi-purpose room – Small Kaleidoscope
Film screening – Edge of Light – directed by Wojciech Szumowski
Admission with tickets – collection at the Municipal Cultural Center ticket office from Thursday, October 12, at 2.30 p.m.

ATTENTION! The concert of the Israeli band “BALAGAN” planned for October 22, 2023, and the music workshops that were to be conducted by the band on October 23 are canceled. The decision to cancel the event was made due to the current situation in Israel.

6.00 p.m.,
Multi-purpose room – Small Kaleidoscope
Film screening – Rose – directed by Aurelia Saada.
Admission with tickets – collection at the Municipal Cultural Center ticket office from Thursday, October 12, at 2.30 p.m.

Introductions to the screenings: Michalina Majewska, film expert, film critic and creator of the “Kino po żydowsku” initiative and Ignacy Strączek – Deputy Director of the Warsaw Jewish Film Festival.
Screening partners: Warsaw Jewish Film Festival, Kamera Dawida Foundation WJFF.pl., Embassy of Israel in Poland.

Monday, October 23

12.00 p.m.
15 Sierpnia Square
16th March of Silence under the honorary patronage of the Embassy of Israel, ​​commemorating the liquidation of the Płońsk ghetto.

6 p.m.,
Cinema hall
Bum Bum ORKeSTAR concert.
Admission with tickets – collection at the Municipal Cultural Center ticket office from Thursday, October 12, at 2.30 p.m.

Tuesday, October 24, ending of the Festival

6 p.m.,
Cinema hall
Gołda Tencer presents: Hits of Jewish cabarets – a performance by the Jewish Theater.
Admission with tickets – collection at the Municipal Cultural Center ticket office from Thursday, October 12, at 2.30 p.m.

The festival will be accompanied by an outdoor exhibition provided by the National Education Office of the Institute of National Remembrance – Sisters, […] mothers of Jewish children. Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary in the face of the Holocaust of Jews during World War II – the area next to the Municipal Cultural Center from the side of Płocka Street.

The festival is carried out as part of the project “Improving access to cultural resources in Płońsk” co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021 and by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage under the “Culture” program, measure 1 “Improvement of cultural heritage management”. The project is implemented by the Municipality of Płońsk in partnership with the Municipal Cultural Center in Płońsk and the University College for Green Development from Bryne in Norway.

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